Behind The Lens: Hans Elswick // @Hans.mpeg
"I have always had a camera in my hand ever since I was a child. It started off with a family camcorder. I didn’t really think I had a passion for this until my freshman year of highschool. I enrolled in a multimedia program thinking it was going to be an easy A type program. When they introduced photography into this program I found that it came naturally and really enjoyed taking photos and being able to capture moments in time to savor forever. This is what started my love for photography. I began shooting every chance, at first my own cars and day-to-day life but eventually I began shooting other people and their cars too and found that I love creating art this way.
I’ve always been drawn to cars and the automotive world. This is in part because my dad was a master mechanic for 38 years. He had me working on cars as soon as I was old enough to hold a wrench. I have always loved the craftsmanship that is put into cars, it’s always been like art to me. I began taking automotive photos at local car shows and events when I was younger and found that it really resonates with me and my personality so I have always stuck with it.
LMS has been a huge contributor to the car scene in the area and has allowed me to grow my portfolio through building connections and network. It’s also been a huge social scene for me. I have met some of my closest friends through LMS so I would like to give back by being apart of the team!
I have always wanted to get my media to a point of income so that I can pursue it full time as a career and create a media business that sells prints, presets, lessons, and photoshoots.
Currently I am driving a 2006 Acura TSX with a K24A2 in it. My favorite car of all time has to betheInfinitiQ50 RS400.This car is the little version of it’s bigger brother, the R35 GTR.
I want to help by continuously spreading the word about the meet to those that share a similar passion. I still do this today by making sure to stop and talk to anyone with a cool car and tell them about the meets and suggest them to come check it out. I also want to support and help by sharing the content that the media team puts out there!"
- Hans
Hans has been apart of the LMS community for years now. LMS is honored to have him apart of the media team. Watching him pick up a camera and progressing in the automotive photography space has been a true treat. His attention to detail is spot on, and the creative process he uses to achieve his final products is very unique. From visualizing the end goal to making it happen. Hans has always been a very passionate individual in the community and has become well known in the local area. Organizing media days for multiple photographers and vehicles is one of his specialties; bringing people together. His work speaks for itself when you see the level of color grading, creativity, and wide range of works he has and can produce. You would be making a mistake by not having him do a photoshoot for you!
If you want to see more of Hans' work, check out his Instagram here!
To see more of his overall portfolio, check that out here!