Behind The LMS Guy: Taylor Reali // @thatstiguy_
Many dream big, but few work toward fulfilling their dreams like Taylor does.
Taylor Reali is a jack of all trades. Let me explain. He has watched the entirety of The Office, at least ten times through. He can sing every word to The Mystical Warlock (Ramirez) and can make a mean turkey cheddar sandwich. Aside from being a self proclaimed master chef, Taylor is a lot more than "the LMS guy”.
Taylor was born in Stockton, CA. His parents, T and K, picked up the family and moved to Hagerman, a tiny "blip in the map" in southern Idaho. Less than a year later, his sister, Bry was born. Taylor grew up on the outskirts of town where he participated in 4H, raising sheep and pigs. Being from a working class family, his parents made sure he knew the importance of holding a job, so at 15, Taylor entered the job market as a sandwich pro at Subway (it's where his mean sandwich skills came from). As many of us do, he thought the next step in life was college.
After highschool graduation, he went on to pursue a degree in digital media and graphic design at the College of Southern Idaho. Taylor quickly realized that school wasn't for him and after dropping out, he started work full time as a lot attendant at a local Mazda dealership. There, he found his first car, a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am. Although he is thankful for his time in college, he tells everyone and their mom that college does not equal success.
I admire Taylor for his hard work and tenacity. He has been through many highs and lows, but has yet to give up on any of his goals. No matter how difficult the situation is, he will always keep pushing forward.
I believe that difficult experiences in life shape who we become. After a long distance relationship that didn't work out, Taylor was left to heal, alone. He struggled with severe anxiety that kept him hidden away from the world. When your head tells you "no" enough times, one starts to think they can't be the person they want to be. He pushed through and dove into building LikeMindedSociety.
It's crazy to see how much LMS has grown since I first bought a sticker and then the first version of banners. Now, the many I see around Pullman makes me really happy with how far his brand has come.
Taylor has spent countless hours running social media, planning meets and cruises, and creating the merch we know and love. Although building a brand has been hard at times, the support from the community has given back. Little did he know at the time, the LMS community he built and poured so much love into would love him back and be there for him.
The Friday Night Lights meet started as one silver STI with a LikeMinded banner and has turned into a weekly tradition for local car enthusiasts. Taylor's consistency and ambition has paid off.
What sets Taylor apart? His tenacity and determination. Taylor is impossible to stop once his mind is set to something.
I have known Taylor for a couple years now, which (in my mind), makes me the ideal candidate to write a post about my best friend. I asked his close friends a set of questions, and every response shared the same words: passionate and determined.
Taylor, thank you for all you do. You are "one of the most dependable people I know". You "inspire us to achieve our goals". You are "the friend who is visually trying to better yourself". "You are the most genuine, warm hearted, and loyal friend anyone could ask for."
What do I see when I think of LMS? I see Friday Night Lights and cruises in the summer. I see a community laughing and loving a passion together.
Lastly, to the person reading this: Thank you for being a part of the LikemindedSociety community. You inspire Taylor to keep building LMS. Thank you for coming out to FNL, repping LMS stickers and banners, sharing business cards, and believing in Taylor and his vision. Wherever you are in your walk of life, don't give up. Your hard work will pay off.

To learn more about Taylor's media journey, you can find him on Instagram Keep an eye out for his actual "behind the lens" post. (:
Wow, I am absolutely speechless. Emily this was extremely well written, and I don’t know what to say in regards to everyones such kind and uplifting words. The LMS community, and specific individuals is what keeps me going. Sometimes I forget how fortunate I really am to have the friends, community, and individuals in my life that I do. Thank you for being apart of LMS and trusting my vision all these years. We are just getting started. <3